Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weight in #4

Hi all,
It's Monday morning, time to weigh in! I was extremely happy to see I had a decent loss of..*drumroll*
This weeks loss: 1kg (2.2lbs)
Current Weight: 65.4kgs (144lbs)
Goal Weight: 60kgs (132lbs)
Weight until goal: 5.4kgs

According to Weight Watchers Online I have lost 5% of my body weight (yay!) and I have only 0.4kgs (about a pound!) until my personal mini goal of 65kgs. I have decided I will buy myself a new pair of jeans when I hit 65kgs. Surely it's time to ditch the maternity jeans for once and for all?!

So, I have been a little bit slack with my blog the past week. This is mainly because I've been SO tired! Why so tired? Well, little did I know, this thing exists called 'The Four Month Sleep Regression'. So that decent little sleeper you thought you had goes out the window! We went from maybe 1-2 wake ups per night, to around 6 or so wake ups per night (waking up every hour from around midnight or so!). And also instead of waking at around 7am like he used to, he decided that 5.50am was going to be his 'wakeup' time. Um no.
Oh my! So exhausted!
Thankfully Hubby was just as commited as me (if not more so!) to getting up and soothing our little guy back to sleep. Unfortunately, crying it out does not work in any way for Hudson. Seriously. So every time he woke, it just meant one of us getting up and giving him his pacifier or rocking him back to sleep.
Last night was the first night in about a week and a half where he only woke up twice and slept in until 7.15am (never thought I'd consider 7.15am a 'sleep in'!).
So, I am feeling much more refreshed today! Yippee! I hope we're onto something here.

I have such a full week planned this week. Today I have got to organise a few things for a baby shower I am throwing on Wednesday, as well as meeting a friend for a walk with our bubs this afternoon. I've got Mum coming over tomorrow, lunch with friends, the baby shower, mothers group and coffee with a friend. So all in all, a busy week! Love it!

Hubby and I have also pretty much decided that we WILL be flying to the US this November to see his family and go to a friends wedding. We'll also be there for Thanksgiving which is awesome! Still have a million things to do to make it official though, including passports for Hudson (US and Australian), booking flights and a few other things. If we do go, I know I pretty much plan on stocking up on all my US favourite items while I'm there.. I'll post more about that in another post :)

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