I have read a couple of these 'Day in the Life' entries lately and thought I would write one.
So, here we are.. a day in the life of yours truly with a 3 month old baby. How times have changed since before I had a bub.
7.00am- This is the time Hudson usually wakes up. Hubby is always up at 6am getting ready for work, so he brings Hudson in to me at 7am where I feed him in bed. (Can you tell I'm not a morning person!). This morning however Hudson let me sleep in until 7.30am which was amazing!
Hubby leaves at 7.30am for work.
After I have fed Hudson, he has some time on his play mat where I get the joyus task of pumping (Hudson is a fussy feeder so I have to combo feed him).
8.15-8.30am- Hudson goes down for his morning nap. This is his longest nap of the day, so it's go time for me as soon as his little peepers are closed!
I make the bed, then hop in the shower (I take our video monitor with me so I can keep an eye on him), get dressed, throw some makeup on and do my hair (ponytail is as good as it gets these days).
9.00am- I come downstairs and put on NBC's Today show, so I can pretend I'm still in the US. hehe.
Breakfast time. Toast & tea. While I'm making my breakfast I am multi tasking and making up Hudson's bottles for the day (like I said, I am both breast and bottle feeding as Hudson is a very fussy feeder. It takes a lot of effort and work to do both, but I think it's worth it.).
9.15am- I check my emails, blogs, ebay listings, facebook etc while eating my breakfast. I also might write a blog entry and update my weight watchers food tracker (which I also do on my iphone throughout the day).
This morning I am also ordering a few things online for a baby shower that I am organising for a good friend and checking my work emails (ewww!) because I have to put in my teaching preferences for mid next year.
10.40am- I am currently marvelling at how Hudson is still napping and that I have only had to run upstairs once to put his dummy (pacifier) back in! Unpack dishwasher. Look up flights to LA for November.
10.55am- The small fry has woken up. I run upstairs, grab him and bring him downstairs for a feed. I feed him and change him and then we're off to a friends place. I usually like to see friends or run errands around this time.
11.30- Arrive at my friends place. She has a baby the same age as Hudson. So we have a tea, the babies 'play' on the mat while we chat and then we head off for an hour long walk in the forest with the bubs.
2.00- Arrive home. Feed Hudson. Because he hasn't really napped while we've been out (he usually has a sleep in the pram- but not today!) I put him down after his feed as I can see he is quite tired.
2.30- Hudson is napping and now it's time for this Mumma to have lunch! Finally! Cheese, tomato & ham toasted sandwich. Nom nom nom.
3.00- Hudson wakes up (arghh!) I get him back to sleep then put on a load of laundry.
3.15- Hudson wakes up AGAIN (this is what happens when you have a child addicted to the dummy. It falls out, he wakes up and so on). Luckily he immediately falls back to sleep as soon as it's back in. But I have a feeling it's going to be one of those afternoons!
3.30- After going upstairs AGAIN, I end up bringing him downstairs to go in his swing and chill out, as I think nap time is well and truly over. He doesn't nap anymore, so I play with him, read to him and he plays on his play mat for a while. We do some tummy time too. Got to strengthen those muscles!
4.30- We head off in the pram to 'pick up' Hubby from the bus stop. It's a bit of a walk, which I really like getting in each day! On our walk home we always catch up on what happened during the day.
5.30- Hubby spends a bit of time playing with Hudson while I fold laundry.
6.00- Hudson's bed time routine begins. Hubby gives him a bath, feeds him and gets him to sleep while I'm downstairs washing and sterilising bottles and getting dinner ready. We're having pasta tossed with chicken, basil and roasted vegetables. Yum.
6.30- Shower time for me! Ahhh! Complete bliss. No looking at the monitor because Hubby is doing that. I take my time!
7.00-9.30 Dinner, TV, cleaning up the kitchen and general relaxation.
9.30- I wake Hudson for a 'dream feed'. Then I pump for the following day.
10.00- Hudson is back in bed.
10.15- Bed time for me! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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