Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weigh in #3

I weighed in on Monday, but forgot to post about it! I am down another 600g (1lb) which doesn't seem like a huge amount, but I am taking the 'slow and steady' approach for sure. I have been sticking to the Weight Watchers Online plan, still eating a little bit of chocolate each day, I had takeaway on Saturday night- but just made healthy choices. I have also been walking each day. So as you can see, I'm not going nuts, I'm just being sensible and taking it one week at a time. As long as I lose at least 500g each week, I am happy. If I lose less than that I am going to have to start thinking about what additional exercise I can fit in. No easy feat with a 3 (and a half!) month old!|
So, total weight loss: 2.6kg (5.7lbs)
Which puts me at: 66.4kgs
Weight to lose until goal: 6.4kgs

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