Hi all,
It's Monday morning, time to weigh in! I was extremely happy to see I had a decent loss of..*drumroll*
This weeks loss: 1kg (2.2lbs)
Current Weight: 65.4kgs (144lbs)
Goal Weight: 60kgs (132lbs)
Weight until goal: 5.4kgs
According to Weight Watchers Online I have lost 5% of my body weight (yay!) and I have only 0.4kgs (about a pound!) until my personal mini goal of 65kgs. I have decided I will buy myself a new pair of jeans when I hit 65kgs. Surely it's time to ditch the maternity jeans for once and for all?!
So, I have been a little bit slack with my blog the past week. This is mainly because I've been SO tired! Why so tired? Well, little did I know, this thing exists called 'The Four Month Sleep Regression'. So that decent little sleeper you thought you had goes out the window! We went from maybe 1-2 wake ups per night, to around 6 or so wake ups per night (waking up every hour from around midnight or so!). And also instead of waking at around 7am like he used to, he decided that 5.50am was going to be his 'wakeup' time. Um no.
Oh my! So exhausted!
Thankfully Hubby was just as commited as me (if not more so!) to getting up and soothing our little guy back to sleep. Unfortunately, crying it out does not work in any way for Hudson. Seriously. So every time he woke, it just meant one of us getting up and giving him his pacifier or rocking him back to sleep.
Last night was the first night in about a week and a half where he only woke up twice and slept in until 7.15am (never thought I'd consider 7.15am a 'sleep in'!).
So, I am feeling much more refreshed today! Yippee! I hope we're onto something here.
I have such a full week planned this week. Today I have got to organise a few things for a baby shower I am throwing on Wednesday, as well as meeting a friend for a walk with our bubs this afternoon. I've got Mum coming over tomorrow, lunch with friends, the baby shower, mothers group and coffee with a friend. So all in all, a busy week! Love it!
Hubby and I have also pretty much decided that we WILL be flying to the US this November to see his family and go to a friends wedding. We'll also be there for Thanksgiving which is awesome! Still have a million things to do to make it official though, including passports for Hudson (US and Australian), booking flights and a few other things. If we do go, I know I pretty much plan on stocking up on all my US favourite items while I'm there.. I'll post more about that in another post :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Weigh in #3
I weighed in on Monday, but forgot to post about it! I am down another 600g (1lb) which doesn't seem like a huge amount, but I am taking the 'slow and steady' approach for sure. I have been sticking to the Weight Watchers Online plan, still eating a little bit of chocolate each day, I had takeaway on Saturday night- but just made healthy choices. I have also been walking each day. So as you can see, I'm not going nuts, I'm just being sensible and taking it one week at a time. As long as I lose at least 500g each week, I am happy. If I lose less than that I am going to have to start thinking about what additional exercise I can fit in. No easy feat with a 3 (and a half!) month old!|
So, total weight loss: 2.6kg (5.7lbs)
Which puts me at: 66.4kgs
Weight to lose until goal: 6.4kgs
So, total weight loss: 2.6kg (5.7lbs)
Which puts me at: 66.4kgs
Weight to lose until goal: 6.4kgs
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
A Day in the Life (with a 3 month old!)
I have read a couple of these 'Day in the Life' entries lately and thought I would write one.
So, here we are.. a day in the life of yours truly with a 3 month old baby. How times have changed since before I had a bub.
7.00am- This is the time Hudson usually wakes up. Hubby is always up at 6am getting ready for work, so he brings Hudson in to me at 7am where I feed him in bed. (Can you tell I'm not a morning person!). This morning however Hudson let me sleep in until 7.30am which was amazing!
Hubby leaves at 7.30am for work.
After I have fed Hudson, he has some time on his play mat where I get the joyus task of pumping (Hudson is a fussy feeder so I have to combo feed him).
8.15-8.30am- Hudson goes down for his morning nap. This is his longest nap of the day, so it's go time for me as soon as his little peepers are closed!
I make the bed, then hop in the shower (I take our video monitor with me so I can keep an eye on him), get dressed, throw some makeup on and do my hair (ponytail is as good as it gets these days).
9.00am- I come downstairs and put on NBC's Today show, so I can pretend I'm still in the US. hehe.
Breakfast time. Toast & tea. While I'm making my breakfast I am multi tasking and making up Hudson's bottles for the day (like I said, I am both breast and bottle feeding as Hudson is a very fussy feeder. It takes a lot of effort and work to do both, but I think it's worth it.).
9.15am- I check my emails, blogs, ebay listings, facebook etc while eating my breakfast. I also might write a blog entry and update my weight watchers food tracker (which I also do on my iphone throughout the day).
This morning I am also ordering a few things online for a baby shower that I am organising for a good friend and checking my work emails (ewww!) because I have to put in my teaching preferences for mid next year.
10.40am- I am currently marvelling at how Hudson is still napping and that I have only had to run upstairs once to put his dummy (pacifier) back in! Unpack dishwasher. Look up flights to LA for November.
10.55am- The small fry has woken up. I run upstairs, grab him and bring him downstairs for a feed. I feed him and change him and then we're off to a friends place. I usually like to see friends or run errands around this time.
11.30- Arrive at my friends place. She has a baby the same age as Hudson. So we have a tea, the babies 'play' on the mat while we chat and then we head off for an hour long walk in the forest with the bubs.
2.00- Arrive home. Feed Hudson. Because he hasn't really napped while we've been out (he usually has a sleep in the pram- but not today!) I put him down after his feed as I can see he is quite tired.
2.30- Hudson is napping and now it's time for this Mumma to have lunch! Finally! Cheese, tomato & ham toasted sandwich. Nom nom nom.
3.00- Hudson wakes up (arghh!) I get him back to sleep then put on a load of laundry.
3.15- Hudson wakes up AGAIN (this is what happens when you have a child addicted to the dummy. It falls out, he wakes up and so on). Luckily he immediately falls back to sleep as soon as it's back in. But I have a feeling it's going to be one of those afternoons!
3.30- After going upstairs AGAIN, I end up bringing him downstairs to go in his swing and chill out, as I think nap time is well and truly over. He doesn't nap anymore, so I play with him, read to him and he plays on his play mat for a while. We do some tummy time too. Got to strengthen those muscles!
4.30- We head off in the pram to 'pick up' Hubby from the bus stop. It's a bit of a walk, which I really like getting in each day! On our walk home we always catch up on what happened during the day.
5.30- Hubby spends a bit of time playing with Hudson while I fold laundry.
6.00- Hudson's bed time routine begins. Hubby gives him a bath, feeds him and gets him to sleep while I'm downstairs washing and sterilising bottles and getting dinner ready. We're having pasta tossed with chicken, basil and roasted vegetables. Yum.
6.30- Shower time for me! Ahhh! Complete bliss. No looking at the monitor because Hubby is doing that. I take my time!
7.00-9.30 Dinner, TV, cleaning up the kitchen and general relaxation.
9.30- I wake Hudson for a 'dream feed'. Then I pump for the following day.
10.00- Hudson is back in bed.
10.15- Bed time for me! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So, here we are.. a day in the life of yours truly with a 3 month old baby. How times have changed since before I had a bub.
7.00am- This is the time Hudson usually wakes up. Hubby is always up at 6am getting ready for work, so he brings Hudson in to me at 7am where I feed him in bed. (Can you tell I'm not a morning person!). This morning however Hudson let me sleep in until 7.30am which was amazing!
Hubby leaves at 7.30am for work.
After I have fed Hudson, he has some time on his play mat where I get the joyus task of pumping (Hudson is a fussy feeder so I have to combo feed him).
8.15-8.30am- Hudson goes down for his morning nap. This is his longest nap of the day, so it's go time for me as soon as his little peepers are closed!
I make the bed, then hop in the shower (I take our video monitor with me so I can keep an eye on him), get dressed, throw some makeup on and do my hair (ponytail is as good as it gets these days).
9.00am- I come downstairs and put on NBC's Today show, so I can pretend I'm still in the US. hehe.
Breakfast time. Toast & tea. While I'm making my breakfast I am multi tasking and making up Hudson's bottles for the day (like I said, I am both breast and bottle feeding as Hudson is a very fussy feeder. It takes a lot of effort and work to do both, but I think it's worth it.).
9.15am- I check my emails, blogs, ebay listings, facebook etc while eating my breakfast. I also might write a blog entry and update my weight watchers food tracker (which I also do on my iphone throughout the day).
This morning I am also ordering a few things online for a baby shower that I am organising for a good friend and checking my work emails (ewww!) because I have to put in my teaching preferences for mid next year.
10.40am- I am currently marvelling at how Hudson is still napping and that I have only had to run upstairs once to put his dummy (pacifier) back in! Unpack dishwasher. Look up flights to LA for November.
10.55am- The small fry has woken up. I run upstairs, grab him and bring him downstairs for a feed. I feed him and change him and then we're off to a friends place. I usually like to see friends or run errands around this time.
11.30- Arrive at my friends place. She has a baby the same age as Hudson. So we have a tea, the babies 'play' on the mat while we chat and then we head off for an hour long walk in the forest with the bubs.
2.00- Arrive home. Feed Hudson. Because he hasn't really napped while we've been out (he usually has a sleep in the pram- but not today!) I put him down after his feed as I can see he is quite tired.
2.30- Hudson is napping and now it's time for this Mumma to have lunch! Finally! Cheese, tomato & ham toasted sandwich. Nom nom nom.
3.00- Hudson wakes up (arghh!) I get him back to sleep then put on a load of laundry.
3.15- Hudson wakes up AGAIN (this is what happens when you have a child addicted to the dummy. It falls out, he wakes up and so on). Luckily he immediately falls back to sleep as soon as it's back in. But I have a feeling it's going to be one of those afternoons!
3.30- After going upstairs AGAIN, I end up bringing him downstairs to go in his swing and chill out, as I think nap time is well and truly over. He doesn't nap anymore, so I play with him, read to him and he plays on his play mat for a while. We do some tummy time too. Got to strengthen those muscles!
4.30- We head off in the pram to 'pick up' Hubby from the bus stop. It's a bit of a walk, which I really like getting in each day! On our walk home we always catch up on what happened during the day.
5.30- Hubby spends a bit of time playing with Hudson while I fold laundry.
6.00- Hudson's bed time routine begins. Hubby gives him a bath, feeds him and gets him to sleep while I'm downstairs washing and sterilising bottles and getting dinner ready. We're having pasta tossed with chicken, basil and roasted vegetables. Yum.
6.30- Shower time for me! Ahhh! Complete bliss. No looking at the monitor because Hubby is doing that. I take my time!
7.00-9.30 Dinner, TV, cleaning up the kitchen and general relaxation.
9.30- I wake Hudson for a 'dream feed'. Then I pump for the following day.
10.00- Hudson is back in bed.
10.15- Bed time for me! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Weigh in #2
Well, I've been sticking to the WW program for a week and a half now (yeah, not very long!), but because my weigh ins are on Monday and I started at the beginning of the month, I am already up to my second weigh in. I wasn't 100% angelic this week. I had Thai on Saturday night (still tracked it though, I had enough points for it!) and a piece of cheesecake at our belated Fathers Day Lunch on Sunday. I also allow myself a little treat after dinner- whether it be a mini pack of maltesers (2 points!), a piece of dark chocolate (1 point!) or a weight watchers sundae (3-4 points!), but I do track all of this.
Anyway, I stood on the scale this morning.. dum dum dum... and I had lost...
400grams. (About a pound)
Not a huge amount!
But, my total weight loss is now:
2 kilos (4.4lbs)
Slow and steady! I have 7 kilos to go to reach my goal.
Oh, I also stupidly tried on a pair of my old jeans the other day.
Bad, bad idea.
I mean, these were jeans that fit me around the time I got married.. and geeze, I was in a LOT better shape back then!
The zipper was nowhere even close to being done up.... It was not a pretty sight. I think I best be tucking those jeans in the back of my closet!
I know I just had a baby 3 months ago, so I can't really expect miracles. I also no longer have the time to be rushing off to the gym 5 days a week. So now, a walk with my baby boy in the pram and a few arm weights have to suffice! I do want to be fit and healthy, but Hudson is my priority right now!
Anyway, I stood on the scale this morning.. dum dum dum... and I had lost...
400grams. (About a pound)
Not a huge amount!
But, my total weight loss is now:
2 kilos (4.4lbs)
Slow and steady! I have 7 kilos to go to reach my goal.
Oh, I also stupidly tried on a pair of my old jeans the other day.
Bad, bad idea.
I mean, these were jeans that fit me around the time I got married.. and geeze, I was in a LOT better shape back then!
The zipper was nowhere even close to being done up.... It was not a pretty sight. I think I best be tucking those jeans in the back of my closet!
I know I just had a baby 3 months ago, so I can't really expect miracles. I also no longer have the time to be rushing off to the gym 5 days a week. So now, a walk with my baby boy in the pram and a few arm weights have to suffice! I do want to be fit and healthy, but Hudson is my priority right now!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
First Weigh In, Fathers Day and Weekly Goals
Well I have been faithfully logging my points and following the Weight Watchers plan for, um.. only 4 days now. But being Monday, it was.. dum dum dummmm...
Weigh In Day!
Previous weight: 69kg
Current Weight: 67.4kg
Loss this Week: 1.6kgs
Woohoo! Since starting I have lost a total of 1.6kgs (3.5lbs).
I was thrilled with that result! I know the weight loss will slow down after the first week or two, but if I can just consistently lose until I'm at my goal I know I can do it.
I have been making sure I'm doing exercise every day. Whether it be walking Hudson in the pram (I do this almost every day!) or just grabbing some weights we have at home and doing a few curls or whatever while Hudson is napping, I am trying my best to up the exercise!
Well, yesterday was Father's Day. Hubby's FIRST Father's Day! I got him a few things, um, I mean Hudson got him a few things. We got him: something to play with Hudson with, something to remind him of Hudson and something so he can spend more time with Hudson.
The something to play with: was a set of bath toys. He bathes Hudson every night- it's their special bonding time. Now, I know a 3 month old can't play with toys, but in 6 months or so, they will be more useful!
The something to remind him of Hudson: This was a wooden box with a photo that had been printed onto a tile which was on the top of the box of Hudson & my Hubby. It was MEANT to have a pair of silver cufflinks inside the box that had Hudsons birth date engraved on one and his name engraved on the other, but they didn't arrive in time. Very sad, seeing as I ordered them a month ago!
The something so Hubby can spend more time with Hudson: This was a voucher for 2 inside & outside car washes!
We also went out to lunch together and then came home and relaxed and watched a DVD. May I add, how does a 2 hour DVD take 3.5 hours to watch? Have a baby and you'll find out! I think I need to stick to shorter movies or TV series!
Ok, so goals for this week:1. Plan out healthy meals for dinner. I need to do some research on the Weight Watchers website so I can find some yummy new recipes!
2. Exercise 5 out of 7 days this week, minimum.
3. Get car serviced and tax return done.. ugh!
Weigh In Day!
Previous weight: 69kg
Current Weight: 67.4kg
Loss this Week: 1.6kgs
Woohoo! Since starting I have lost a total of 1.6kgs (3.5lbs).
I was thrilled with that result! I know the weight loss will slow down after the first week or two, but if I can just consistently lose until I'm at my goal I know I can do it.
I have been making sure I'm doing exercise every day. Whether it be walking Hudson in the pram (I do this almost every day!) or just grabbing some weights we have at home and doing a few curls or whatever while Hudson is napping, I am trying my best to up the exercise!
Well, yesterday was Father's Day. Hubby's FIRST Father's Day! I got him a few things, um, I mean Hudson got him a few things. We got him: something to play with Hudson with, something to remind him of Hudson and something so he can spend more time with Hudson.
The something to play with: was a set of bath toys. He bathes Hudson every night- it's their special bonding time. Now, I know a 3 month old can't play with toys, but in 6 months or so, they will be more useful!
The something to remind him of Hudson: This was a wooden box with a photo that had been printed onto a tile which was on the top of the box of Hudson & my Hubby. It was MEANT to have a pair of silver cufflinks inside the box that had Hudsons birth date engraved on one and his name engraved on the other, but they didn't arrive in time. Very sad, seeing as I ordered them a month ago!
![]() |
Here is the photo box.. although obviously not with a photo of some random girl on it! |
The something so Hubby can spend more time with Hudson: This was a voucher for 2 inside & outside car washes!
We also went out to lunch together and then came home and relaxed and watched a DVD. May I add, how does a 2 hour DVD take 3.5 hours to watch? Have a baby and you'll find out! I think I need to stick to shorter movies or TV series!
Ok, so goals for this week:1. Plan out healthy meals for dinner. I need to do some research on the Weight Watchers website so I can find some yummy new recipes!
2. Exercise 5 out of 7 days this week, minimum.
3. Get car serviced and tax return done.. ugh!
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