Friday, August 12, 2011

The In-Laws

This will probably be a pretty quick entry as it's been a bit of a rough morning with the little one deciding to wake in the middle of his nap and me having to rock him back to sleep only to then have to listen to him cry on and off (with a dummy in his mouth may I add!) for the past 20 minutes. Anyway, he got over it and is now napping-yippee! The next time he wakes I'll be feeding him.

The in-laws are visiting from the US at the moment. They arrived yesterday, and my hubby was just SO excited to show off Hudson to them. It was kind of adorable. They just LOVE their new Grandson. He of course got spoiled with lots of cute clothing and some books that hubby had as a child (I love passing things down through the generations, so glad his parents brought them over). So we'll be spending the next few days as a family, going out to lunch, sightseeing and having the grandparents spend lots of time with Hudson.
I also went nuts and got my in-laws to bring over an order for some clothing I placed for Hudson. Oh my god, it's just adorable! Especially for boys clothing! I would post some pics, but of course I am too lazy to do that at the moment!

Oh and thrills here, for the past week Hudson has been sleeping from 10pm ( I wake him at 9.30pm for his 'dream feed') until about 7am. YIPPEE! He wakes at about 4am-5am and has a bit of a grumble, he usually settles himself though, or I give him his dummy. So for the past week I haven't had to do a middle of the night feed. It is great! I feel SOOO much better on a proper nights sleep. I don't want to jinx it though.. touch wood!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the best thing about in-laws is getting great gifts! haha (I'm kidding... kind of!)

    That's great about the good sleep, too!
