Thursday, November 11, 2010

Scan Day!

I went to bed on Wednesday night feeling extremely sick, woke up an hour later and spent the next 5 or so hours running to and from the bathroom throwing up. I guess I must of had food poisoning or a stomach bug. I took Thursday off work to recover and just spend the day on the couch trying to drink lots and lots of water. I'm feeling much better today, but I'm also taking today off work, because today is.....
Scan Day!
I'm super excited, but also extremely nervous! My fingers and toes are tightly crossed that everything goes ok with our scan.
Our scan isn't until early this afternoon, so I am going to spend my day getting some much needed marking done (ugh) and maybe working on my school reports. Oh, I wish I had nothing to do and could just spend the day on the couch watching Gossip Girl and Oprah!

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