Friday, May 6, 2011

Not Long Now...

Well, I'm 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant! As of today I have officially started my maternity leave. Ahh! I am glad I made it working as long as I did, but things were getting pretty uncomfortable at work this last week. I am a teacher, and having to be on my feet and with a class full of kids all day long got pretty exhausting! Especially when I got fun little pains in my belly and had to just pretend everything was ok, and teach through it!
Well, this weekend I have quite a few things on. Firstly, I have a friends bridal shower/ high tea on this afternoon. It should be really nice, I love a good high tea! Tonight we have another friends 30th Birthday party, and tomorrow is Mothers Day, so we're going out for lunch with my Mum, brother and sister in law.

Next week, my first week of actual maternity leave, I have lots of plans. No sitting around for me! I plan on buying all the last things we need for baby. We have mostly all the things we need, but I'd like to buy some terry towelling squares (good for burp cloths etc), I need to buy some bassinette sheets and I think that's it! I also need to pack my hospital bag (ahem, suitcase!!), and make sure everything is washed and put away in the nursery (nursery pics to come soon!).

I also have plans to get the baby capsule installed in the car, I have a hair appointment, an OB appointment, coffee with a few friends, pregnancy pilates, oh and a maternity photo shoot with hubby on Monday! We also have a wedding down the coast on Saturday, and poker on Sunday!
So, a fun week ahead. Bub better not come early, as I have too many plans and things going on!
I really don't think bub will come early though, because at my appointment last week, I was told the baby has not dropped, so I think I still have some time.

And to end off...
Pregnancy Stats:
Weeks Pregnant:
 37 weeks, 2 days.
Weight Gain: Well my weight is definitely up! I have gained 11kgs.
Current Symptoms: Period type pains, tiredness, sleeplessness and all that good stuff ;-)
Food Cravings: STILL  chocolate milk! Ice.
Feeling: Excited and nervous!

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