Saturday, October 30, 2010

Birthday Lunch

Well, today is the day of my 30th Birthday lunch. My actual birthday isn't until next week, but I'm having a lunch with a big group of friends today. I am really nervous for some reason! Maybe it's nervousness about politely fending off alcohol without looking suspicious? Um, hello, who doesn't drink at their 30th birthday celebration!!!!! Arghh!!
Lunch is at a restaurant near the city in a private room with a bar etc. It's so nice so I'm really looking forward to it. Hubby and I fully intend on getting there a bit early so I can get myself a very boozy looking mocktail and hopefully everyone will be none the wiser. That's the plan anyway! Fingers crossed that no one buys me any drinks or wants to do shots (oh dear God, this is why I'm having a lunch- not a night out on the town!).
Last night we went to a friends wedding out in the country. It was beautiful and the ceremony was under a big ol' tree in a paddock, so nice! I managed drink non alcoholic beverages completely unnoticed. Hah. I just can't wait until the next 2 weeks are up so we can start telling people.
Alright, I'm off to get ready for my lunch...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tight, tighter, tightest

Well, as much as I tried to deny it was happening, or fantasise that I would fit into my clothes until the end of the school term (yup, that's 6.5 more weeks)... it's true.. my clothes are getting snug! Arghh! I can hardly fathom buying maternity clothes at this early stage-9 weeks today- and instead I am going to just wear my clothes that are a little bigger (the ones that used to be loose!) and continue to wear loose flowing tops, and nothing too tight. Hubby seems to think I'm going to have a hard time getting away with hiding my mini bump for the next 3 weeks!

On the weekend I'm getting together with 30 of my friends for my 30th birthday! I'm hoping that my flowy dress will look ok and no one will buy me cocktails or notice my lack of drinking. It should be fun.
I've also got a wedding to go to this weekend, which should be nice. I have a really cute dress (again, it's 'flowy') to wear and hopefully everyone will be too busy with themselves to notice my lack of drinking.
My actual birthday isn't until next week, and that night we're going out to dinner with my family. I'm really looking forward to it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

First OB appointment!

So, we finally had our very first OB appointment yesterday! I took the day off work (it was only a pupil free day), and Hubby was owed a day off, so we took the bus into the city and went in at about 9am. Because we're going to a private hospital we go to a separate OB office. Beautiful office, friendly staff (not that there aren't friendly staff at a public hospital), just a general good vibe. I was nervous and couldn't concentrate on my magazine while we were waiting, so I just sat there attempting to be patient.
My doctor called us in, so we went and sat down in her office. Female doctor, youngish, very friendly, seems like she knows her stuff. Where we're going is a group practice, which means there are 4 doctors who rotate shifts- so when you deliver you could get any of them(unless it's a scheduled delivery).
I'm going to stick with my current doctor for now, but later on in the pregnancy when there's more frequent appointments, I'll meet the other doctors too.
Anyway, she started by asking me a whole heap of questions. She doesn't like the medication I'm on for my Crohn's Disease (I knew this would happen!). My gastroenterologist has recommended I stay on it and tells me it's safe during pregnancy. She tells me there is another safer medication option, which I am totally happy to go with. She is going to call my gastroenterologist and discuss it with her. So we shall see.
I got weighed, she checked my blood pressure etc. She also discovered I have a pregnancy related heart murmur (who knew!).
Next was the fun part! We went into another room where the ultrasound machine was. I lay down, got that gooey stuff squirted on my belly and she found our little sesame seed with a nice strong heart beat. I was so relieved. I had visions of her looking inside and saying "ummm, I'm sorry, you're not pregnant." (lol).
Also, there was only 1 baby- which I had been pretty sure of. I think Hubby was a little disappointed though. heh!
 Our little sesame seed was measuring 1 week earlier than I had initially been told. This didn't worry or surprise me, as my cycles had been about 34 days (not 28, as my GP had calculated on), so our little blob is approximately 8 weeks today. That means my due date is the 31st of May!
Our next appointment is the 12 week scan. We have decided not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until we get the all clear from the 12 week scan (fingers crossed!). Only 3 and a half weeks until the scan. The countdown begins!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby Showering....

My sister in law is also expecting. She's due at the beginning of next year. Myself, with one of her very close friends are planning her baby shower. I have decided to make little baby shaped cookies, and put them into favour bags for her guests. That's if they turn out ok. Luckily the shower isn't until December, so I have plenty of time to practise! Here are the cookie cutters I bought:

I also bought a little foot shaped cookie cutter which is really cute.
I have no idea what to actually get her as a gift, something my brother and her will actually use and will come in handy. Probably not baby clothing as a lot of people may already get them that!
I am actually pretty nervous about our OB appointment on Monday.  I am hoping we get some sort of scan or I'm going to be pretty disappointed! I just want to get the all clear from the doctor.
We're going out tonight to a Southern style restaurant. Hubby is going to love it. There really aren't many restaurants around here that do American food, so it should be quite fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Baby Belly or Jelly Belly?

Hi all,
I have been a bit quiet on the blog front as there hasn't been too much baby related stuff going on!
I did notice something a little odd the other night.... a teeny tiny baby bump! How could I tell it was a baby bump and not just a food baby or a layer of fat? Well, it just felt a little bit hard, and no matter how hard I sucked it in, this little ol' bump was still there. I even got Hubby to have a feel... "What is it? fat? Or a bump?". lol. It's kind of funny, because I still don't fully believe there's a little itty bitty baby in there.
Depressingly enough, I weighed myself this morning, hoping that there would still be no weight gain. Alas, no... I have now gained 1 kilo (2.2lbs), and with that I bring you my....
Pregnancy Stats:
Weeks Pregnant:
 8 weeks, 1 day
Weight Gain: 2.2lbs/1kg
Current Symptoms: Nausea, sore boobs, occasional strange feelings in lower abdomen, pants getting tighter! Noooo!
Food Cravings: mexican food (or maybe I just really like mexican food?)
Feeling: Tired!!!!

We have our first appointment on Monday with our Obstetrician, I can't wait!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Purchases

7 weeks and  4 days today. It's still early days. I have my first OB appointment in just over a week. I can't wait. I am really looking forward to finding out about our little sesame (current nickname) and fingers and toes are crossed tightly that we get a thumbs up!
Even though it's such early days, Hubby and I did a little bit of shopping and managed to buy our first baby items! Just 2 little pieces of 000 clothing that are absolutely gorgeous. They are an Australian brand- Bonds, which makes great little cotton comfy pieces for all ages.
I found some pictures on the net so I could show you....
Mary Jane Socks! Aren't they cute! No, we obviously don't know the sex yet... but I couldn't help myself.

Little baby leggings. They're actually slightly different to this- they're grey striped and a bit more stretchy.

So that's what we got. I'll have to stash them upstairs in the wardrobe as it's still a big ol' secret!

We also went to Ikea today... oh wow, a rainy Saturday at Ikea.
Probably not the brightest idea.
It. Was. Packed.
We had a look at some nursery furniture (more to come on that later) but managed to walk out of there with only a foot stool and some Diam candy (omg, Swedish chocolate=heaven), which was no mean feat.
Tonight we're off to the movies as it's all rainy and the absolute perfect movie weather. Ahh.
I hope you're all having an equally relaxing weekend!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sleep, interrupted....

Yawn, yawn, yawn!!!!!
Let's face it, I'm a 9 hours of sleep a night gal (don't laugh), always have been! I'll take 8 hours if I must and on weekends I've been known to sleep for 10.
Well, I have not been sleeping well lately. Getting up to pee in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, occasionally feeling naseous in the wee hours of the morn. Not my idea of a good time. I'm pretty sure this interrupted sleep I've been getting is just my bodies way of getting me used to waking up multiple times a night and not getting used to my pampered princess 9 hours of slumber!

I tells ya, the gym is also not a priority now that I'm back at work and feeling tired every day. It is honestly the last thing I feel like doing. I came home from work today, did a pile of marking (oh, the joys of teaching!) and now I'm just having a little 'me' time on the net. Do I feel like getting changed into my gym clothes, driving to the gym and running on the treadmill.. or even heading outside for a little jog?
Um, can we say NO WAY! I know I'm going to have to continue with my exercise as I don't want to gain too much weight (12k-15kg is the goal) with this pregnancy, because I've heard how hard it is to get back into shape. Oh well, I'll just continue to eating mostly healthy food and getting a bit of a workout in a couple of times a week.
If anyone has any tips, please feel free to share!