Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blood Test Results and Baby Sales!

I got my blood test results back on Monday, I was actually quite nervous when Hubby and I were sitting there with the doctor looking them over. It turns out everything is normal- yay! My iron is on the low side, which doesn't surprise me as I'm so tired all the time. I'm taking a pre-natal vitamin every day, so hopefully this will help. I bought the "Swisse Pregnancy Ultivite" which is so far, so good! I had a look at a few brands and I didn't like that some of them were capsules (ugh), or have a strange taste and make me gag. The worst is when they expect you to take a couple of them a day. This one is tasteless and you only have to take one a day.

Hubby and I went out to Trivia last night with some friends. It was at this cool little bar near the city. It was a great night. I sipped my OJ (hoping that no one would question it- perhaps it would look like Vodka and OJ?), then I had a couple of waters as I was so thirsty. One of my friends noticed and asked if I was driving. "Uh, sure, yeah." lol. Only 6 more weeks of making excuses. I can't wait to tell everyone, but we really want to wait until after our 12 week scan checks out.

Target is having a Baby Sale that starts today, oh so tempted to have a look! We'll probably go and check it out to get an idea of prices, but I don't think we'll be buying anything... it just seems so early to be buying anything! Although my brother and his fiance are due in February, so perhaps we'll find something for them!

Hubby and I finished booking all of our accommodation for our end of year Europe trip. We're going to France and Italy. I can't wait. It really is going to be a 'last hurrah' kind of trip before baby!

Oh and lastly, something I'm going to start...
Pregnancy Stats:
Weeks Pregnant: 6 weeks, 1 day
Weight Gain: 0lbs/0kgs (Thankfully!)
Current Symptoms: Nausea, sore boobs, strange tugging type feelings in lower stomach
Food Cravings: None at the moment
Feeling: Excited, amazed (every morning I wake up and remember I am pregnant and I am still kind of surprised. lol), a little nervous- just hoping everything will go smoothly seeing as it's such early days!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Relaxing and Shopping

I have 2 weeks off work at the moment. Ahhh, it has been SO nice. I have been spending way too much time googling baby stuff though! lol. Well, I definitely wont be able to do it at work when I go back in a week (Can't trust work computers! You just know big brother is watching!) so I'm getting my fill now.

I got my hospital pack in the mail today with all sorts of information. We have to book in for antenatal classes soon as they're apparently really popular. All these bits of paper I keep getting have been going into a folder upstairs titled 'math' (It's an old work folder! That will throw anyone snooping around off the scent! lol!). I still can't believe it's all happening to be honest.

My friend and I went  shopping today. I bought a couple of cute tops, making sure that they were a size bigger than my normal size. They still fit me now, but are just nice and roomy.

I love this top- perfect for going out!

This one will probably be for work or maybe just casual weekends with jeans

Oops, I have to run, Hubby just got home!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Appointment and 30th Birthday

 I had my first doctors appointment yesterday. My doctor congratulated us, gave us an informative pregnancy spiel, gave us a referral to a OB and sent me off for a battery of blood tests (wont get those results until next Monday).
Because I've got this whole prior medical issue (and private health insurance that goes largely unused!), we've decided to go private. We're booking into the Mater Mothers, and apparently it books out quite fast as do the OB's across the road from the Mater. So we've had to make all these appointments today, although it just feels so early and I really hope everything goes well!
My doctor also gave me a due date- May 24th (me? a due date? what for? I swear it's all still sinking in!), which puts me at 5 weeks tomorrow. Such early days! The next 7 weeks are really going to drag.

Oh and annoyingly I have friends who keep asking me 'what are you going to do for your 30th birthday?'- probably because it's in a mere 6 weeks! Arghh! Wow, a raging party/dinner/night on the town sounds like such a barrel of fun when I can't drink and have to fend off 'why aren't you drinking at your 30th' questions! So, hubby is now planning to take me away for a night on the weekend after my birthday (My 30th is on a Wednesday! What a crap day for a birthday!), and maybe I'll do a picnic in the park or a brunch or something chilled out like that with my friends the weekend after. Any suggestions??

Friday, September 17, 2010

Big News!

To be honest with you, I had been feeling a bit strange over the past 2 weeks. Kind of queasy, a little dizzy and just a general odd feeling. I brushed it off thinking I was obviously overthinking this whole baby thing, and also I had a student who'd just come back from having swine flu- perhaps I was coming down with something?
So, Friday morning rolled around. We had a wedding that day, so I needed to do a pregnancy test so I would know if I could drink or not. I woke up busting to pee, so decided to get the test over and done with. I put the pregnancy test aside, immediately seeing that single 'control' line come up, thinking "Well, at least I'll be able to have a few drinks tonight!".
I glanced again at the stick, and hello.... there was a second line. Not as strong as the control line, but pretty damn strong.
Oh. my.god. I'm. pregnant!
Hubby was downstairs, he sauntered up the stairs (taking what seemed like an eternity), walked into the bathroom where I immediately showed him the test. We hugged and kissed and were generally excited.
'Well, there goes my drinking at the wedding', I thought. Luckily one of my other friends wasn't a big drinker at the wedding, so I didn't look completely obvious. Plus the waiter had filled my glass with wine, so I had it sitting there all night while I drank many an orange juice!
The wedding was beautiful by the way. We stayed at a really nice resort down the coast, which was super relaxing. Today Hubby and I had breakfast at the hotel with friends and then picked up a few groceries and things (including another pregnancy test, just to 'check', even though I fully understand that 'false positives' are few and far between. That second line came up even darker today by the way!).
We have a doctors appointment for Sunday seeing as we both have the day off.
Wow, there is so much to do and plan. My fingers and toes are very tightly crossed that everything goes well. We won't be telling anyone about our good news until 12 weeks, so my lips are sealed until then!
To be honest, I can't believe I fell pregnant on our first cycle of trying, I feel really lucky that it's happened so fast!
Ok, time to get some food and chill out with hubby. You can bet there will be many more baby updates to come!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Going with the Flow?

Well, as much as I said Hubby and I were just planning on 'going with the flow' and 'seeing what happens' now that we've thrown away the birth control, I must admit this is mighty hard to do! I am such a planner so it's really hard for me to not think about it!  I must admit though, Hubby is so excited about the prospect and so am I. This is something I wont be mentioning to anyone, as we don't need any added pressure or speculation. I suppose all we can do it just cross our fingers and see what happens!