Saturday, December 10, 2011

Updates.. Weight, Trip and Baby #2

Ahhh! It's been too long since I've updated. In a nutshell here's what's happening:
1. I am still doing WW online.. I got below my pre-preggo weight, but then we went on a trip to the US to see family and I managed to put on a little weight. This week I have been sick and lost all motivation to eat healthy, so tomorrow I am back on the wagon!

2. Hudson is 6 months old! He is just such a good, sweet little boy and I am loving this age. No, he is still not sleeping through the night, but on further investigation I found only 1 baby out of 8 at my mothers group is sleeping through! So that made me feel a little better.

3. We have been talking about #2! Yes, already! We're definitely not trying any  time soon, but we don't want the age gap to be too big so we are trying to plan things out.

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