Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nursery + almost 26 weeks!

Oh wow, how slack have I been? Ok, lets see.. things have been going well. I have felt pretty good lately. Apart from the sweltering heat that is! It's SO hot here, being that it is Summer and all. It would help if we had air con at work! I can't wait for things to cool down.
Mum bought us the cutest change table and cot for our little bub. I'll post some pictures....

Here is the change table!

Here is the cot! Obviously without that particular bedding.

The nursery is in no way, shape or form anything resembling 'complete'. A few weeks ago we got a ceiling fan installed in there, and this weekend our plan is to paint the purple feature wall a nice shade of calming green. From there we can start building the furniture (or should I say, Hubby can start building the furniture!) and decorating. I still have to buy a cot quilt etc and a few other things, but it will be fun  putting it all together!
Oh and I had an appointment with my OB on Monday. All well except she thinks I need to gain more weight! She encouraged me to eat more etc. I definitely have not been skipping meals or anything, but perhaps I could eat a few more snacks etc.
Pregnancy Stats:
Weeks Pregnant:
 25 weeks, 6 days.
Weight Gain: I think it's about 5kgs (11lbs) but my OB says it's only been 3kgs since she first weighed me and that I haven't gained weight in the last month!
Current Symptoms: Swollen feet if I am on them for too long, sore back at times, tired, sleepless.
Food Cravings: STILL  chocolate milk or smoothies! Yum!
Feeling: Quite content with being pregnant, looking forward to our next scan to see how bubs heart is.
Here's a 22 week picture, I'll be taking a 26 week pic tomorrow! :)

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