So it becoming increasingly apparent that my precious little 15 month old 'baby' is in actual fact a 15 month old toddler. This dawned upon me this morning when after hubby closed the front door as he left for work, dear Hudson started screaming, crying, stomping his cute little legs and trying to pull the blinds down.. all because he didn't want his Daddy to leave.
WHAT THE? My well behaved baby was in actual fact having a full blown Todder Tanty!
I was hoping to avoid this fate until he was at least, well who am I kidding, I was trying to avoid the tantrum throwing all together (wishful thinking!? Denial?), but alas I realised that babies don't throw tantrums, TODDLERS do..
Soooo, who do I turn to? Google of course! I think it's time to purchase a few Toddler taming type books in preparation for what lies ahead. Please, recommend me your favourites.
I also consulted my 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' The Toddler Years' book (I suppose the title should have been a give away that my baby is no longer a baby.. wah!) to find out Hudson's behaviour is indeed normal, with a few little hints and tips thrown in.
On another sore point for this morning, I had a beautiful spa morning planned for the school holidays. Dear Hubby bought be a mothers day package for this past mothers day. Anywho, I booked my appointment before I was pregnant, and thought I'd better check I could still use it. Nope. Unfortunately I cannot have the massage in my first trimester. To say I am disappointed is an understatement! Sigh!
Alright, my baby.. uhh.. I mean toddler has just woken from his nap! Time to get moving..
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