Thursday, August 30, 2012

That Second Line

Soooo, where do I start? Things have been pretty busy as of late. Our 15 month old small fry came down with a vomiting bug, poor thing. Then hubby caught it also, then I thought I was coming down with the same bug. I had major chills, felt really sick etc, but luckily the next day I felt fine.
Then the following Sunday morning hubby randomly suggests I do a pregnancy test because I'd had a super long cycle, and just to get the thought of being possibly pregnant out of all our our heads. To be honest, there was no way I thought I was pregnant, especially seeing as were going to be 'officially trying' next month. I do a cheapie pregnancy test I got off ebay. Not the best quality, but hey, I didn't want to waste a 'good' one seeing as I knew it would be negative. I pee on the stick, 30 seconds or so later 2 lines come up. The second line was quite faint, but there. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I think I stood there for a good minute with my mouth hanging open. 
I call hubs upstairs.. he's in almost as much shock as I. I tell him perhaps it's the bad quality test and I should do a good ol' First Response. Deep down, I did know there is a very slim chance of getting a 2nd line unless you're pregnant..
I muster up some more pee... almost instantly a dark second line shows. Oh.My.God!
I'm pregnant! I start crying because I'm in massive shock, but I'm smiling as well. 

We are extremely thrilled, but absolutely STUNNED. Like I said, we were planning on starting to try for #2 next month, so this little bean snuck in there just before.
As I look back on it, I just wasn't thinking I was pregnant, so I missed ALL the signs.. feeling dizzy- I attributed this to the fact I had started a new healthy eating plan and wasn't eating as much. The cramping  pains and sore boobs- I thought I was getting my period, the nausea- I thought I was getting sick.

Sooo, that's my big news! It's super early days so my fingers and toes are crossed that everything will be ok. I'm due in April next year, and we are soooo excited.

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