Monday, April 25, 2011

One Month to Go!

There is one month to the day until our little bub's due date. Not long now! I hope our little one continues to bake in there until the 26th of May, give or take a day or two!
I am still feeling quite uncomfortable, just little things like going for a walk are uncomfortable as the baby's head seems to squish my poor bladder (perhaps it's a comfy pillow?), my hips and legs hurt through the night as there are only limited positions to sleep in. Honestly though, if this is as bad as it gets I can deal with it. It really hasn't been too bad. I am back to work tomorrow (I've had a week off for the Easter break), and then I only have 1.5 weeks until I finish and go on maternity leave. I can't wait to be done!
I'm going to post a few pictures of my baby shower from last weekend- which was amazing, so much fun! And then top it off with a 35 week bump picture....

A nappy (diaper!) cake- how adorable! The best part is there is a bottle of champagne in the centre!
These were the most delicious cupcakes!

More cupcakes. I love the black & white striped paper and the colourful sprinkles.

How cute is this!

Here is my 35 week bump!

Friday, April 22, 2011

35 Weeks

The time has flown since I last wrote an entry! I can't believe I am now 35 weeks pregnant. It seems hard to believe that we'll have a baby in 5 or so weeks.
Things have been going well, I've been feeling pretty good and it's only just been in the last week that the tiredness and uncomfortableness of my belly is hitting me. I have such a baby bump now, I must post a picture!
Here is my 33 week baby bump! I'll post my 35 weeks bump once I upload it from my camera.
The thought of having a baby does slighly scare me, I must admit. I worry about a million and one things, from: labour (eep!), looking after a newborn, how our life will change, will I get 'bored' staying at home instead of working (something I am not used to), will I make a good Mum, and many other things. I know I have to just go with the flow, but it's definitely a LOT to take in! I still have another 2 weeks of work before I go on maternity leave, then I'll be taking 1 year off to look after our little bub.
Well, that's it from me for now, I must definitely post more often.. final countdown here we come!