Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Appointment and 30th Birthday

 I had my first doctors appointment yesterday. My doctor congratulated us, gave us an informative pregnancy spiel, gave us a referral to a OB and sent me off for a battery of blood tests (wont get those results until next Monday).
Because I've got this whole prior medical issue (and private health insurance that goes largely unused!), we've decided to go private. We're booking into the Mater Mothers, and apparently it books out quite fast as do the OB's across the road from the Mater. So we've had to make all these appointments today, although it just feels so early and I really hope everything goes well!
My doctor also gave me a due date- May 24th (me? a due date? what for? I swear it's all still sinking in!), which puts me at 5 weeks tomorrow. Such early days! The next 7 weeks are really going to drag.

Oh and annoyingly I have friends who keep asking me 'what are you going to do for your 30th birthday?'- probably because it's in a mere 6 weeks! Arghh! Wow, a raging party/dinner/night on the town sounds like such a barrel of fun when I can't drink and have to fend off 'why aren't you drinking at your 30th' questions! So, hubby is now planning to take me away for a night on the weekend after my birthday (My 30th is on a Wednesday! What a crap day for a birthday!), and maybe I'll do a picnic in the park or a brunch or something chilled out like that with my friends the weekend after. Any suggestions??

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