Thursday, May 16, 2013

21 Weeks

So, I am now 21 weeks pregnant. We had our morphology scan a few weeks ago, and amazingly it all went well! Woohoo! I think that is the first scan that has been stress free, so I was extremely relieved to say the least. We aren't finding out what we're having, but the sonographer did make a comment that our little bubbas legs were tightly crossed so we might not have been able to find out even if we had wanted to know. I now have a decent bump and the kids in my class are making comments and really interested, which is cute. There are actually EIGHT teachers at my work that are pregnant.. how crazy is that?! Everyone keeps saying there must be something in the water.
I'm currently trying to finish up a semester of Uni, as well as work on school report cards and everything is a bit stressful at the moment. I can't wait until I can relax just a little. It is also Hudson's 2nd birthday at the end of the month.. wow, I can't believe he is going to be two! Actually, yes I can. Because he definitely has his tanty throwing toddler moments, even though for the most part he is a really sweet little boy. He is doing well with his words, letters, numbers etc. He can name and identify the whole alphabet (and has been able to for a few months now), can count up to about 15, knows his shapes. Doesn't know his colours. But loves to sing all the time. So cute. I hope he will be a good big brother.